


Elected: June 1986, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Other presidential candidates: Unopposed.


Doc McCarty       Chmn. of the Board  Tennessee
Lanny Heater      Executive V.P.      Arkansas
Ron Robinson      Secretary           Ohio
Ray Baskette      Treasurer           Georgia
Bill Miller       Legal Counsel       Virginia
Walt Burke        Region I V.P.       Massachusetts
Michael Arons     Region II V.P.      New Jersey
Lit Maxwell       Region III V.P.     Virginia
Fred Cromartie    Region IV V.P.      South Carolina
Bob Taylor        Region V V.P.       Michigan
Pat Lichter       Region VI V.P.      Nebraska
Roy Guidry        Region VII V.P.     Louisiana
A. Park Shaw III  Region VIII V.P.    New Mexico
George Fraser II  Region IX V.P.      Oregon
Alex Baca         Region X V.P.       California


"Established a communication system whereby when a Jaycee receives a Senatorship, we, the US Senate, are advised. We then send a letter to that new Senator and congratulate that person on their Senatorship. We then advised them of the National and State Senate organization with the name and address of their individual state president."

"Streamlined the position of treasurer. Established a standard way of accounting for and posting all income and disbursements. Also retained a accounting firm to review and audit our books on a monthly and yearly basis."

"Promoted and put on our 15th year convention. This convention was called 'Reunion in Reno'. We had more out-of-country Senators and wives attend this convention than any other up to this time. We also set a record in Senate attendance."

"During my year, women were allowed to get Senatorships."

"Membership should reach close to 7,000 members."

"All in all - a good year."

Ah yes, the "Reunion in Reno." Those of us who attended that convention will be a long time in forgetting it. That is, unless you lost a lot of money at the casinos, then you want to forget it real quick.